Tide Times - I think I'm done with the kitchen table baby - commissioned for LocalWIFI, Arthouses, Whitley Bay. 2021
A collection of 8 short films were made in response to the locality and water/landscapes. They were designed to be viewed in a bespoke app on mobile devices connected to the local wifi hotspot.
View of the app - viewers clicked on a moving word at the localWIFI site and each one played a different video.
Documentation of the work (including interactive documentation of the app) can be viewed at HERE To access this work, click on the Google pin for Fritha Jenkins
Please note this work was designed to be shown on mobile devices hence the video format
The work was filmed both in Whitley Bay and artists kitchen. Thanks to Arthouses for their support during the making, and to Martha Margetson for their help with the London filming.
A compilation of the videos which played through the app at the site can be watched opposite
When participants first went into the app it showed them the live tide times